Feldenkrais Method
& Alexander Technique


Breathing 8 - The rhythms within you and the rhythms of which you're a part

So in last weeks class we refined a way of perceiving and freeing our head, neck and torso using the breath. 

This week we’ll explore larger movements in that context. We’ll examine how we can develop more power and ease through awareness of breath.

Ahmad Odeh Via UnSplash

I’m heading interstate this week as my brother needs assistance and I was heartened by ‘The blind girl’ by John Everett Millais. It was painted in 1856.

The Blind Girl, 1856 John Everett Millais via Birmingham Museums Trust - via Unsplash

She may be missing the dual rainbow but it certainly looks like she is feeling it. I love her stillness and grace, the butterfly resting on her cloak and the accordion on her lap. The tender contact of her hand with the grass and earth. Perhaps it’s just that she reminds me of my youngest, whose birthday I will miss as I travel.

Despite the ‘Pity the blind’ sign she wears at her neck it is a reminder of the beauty all of us have and our precious expressions of life. 

I think it’s one of the loveliest things about Awareness Through Movement - That opportunity to stop, pay attention to what we already have and find a way to use it with elegance.

This blog post relates to the eighth lesson in the breathing series. You can find that lesson by clicking here