Feldenkrais Method
& Alexander Technique


The Central Limb 10 - Skipping around the sun

This lesson explores the centre of the centres and the realisation of that place is a cause for celebration. 

The wonderful thing about the centre is that you don’t have to do anything to get it as it’s already there. It’s the gift we unfold for a lifetime ..


Movement that flows out from the centre has an effortless strength. If the centre can move there is an effortless freedom as can be seen in Salma’s groove.

So we’ll be exploring a number of the concepts from this term - the bones of the balancing skull, the arches, the channel through the midline, the diagonal connection between the feet and hands .. and of course the journey into space

Arne Ronny Berg

Now you might look at the Tahitian dancer below and think ‘Oh no .. that’s impossible!’ until you realise that the way she is moving her legs makes it easy .. well ok .. easier .. 

Look at the way each foot moves relative to the opposite hand and shoulder.


Is it the legs moving the pelvis? or the pelvis moving the legs? or an expression of the whole body moving between the earth and sky - the feet, hands and head giving and receiving in a joyous dance of connection? Either way it all about the centre .. the stillness of focus and the clarity of each weight shift.

That’s the thing. The closer you get to the centre the more you realise there is nothing there. The centre of the centre is that infinite space from which all movement arises ..

Emilio Gomirez via Tenor

How do you find it when there is nothing to find?
Well there are a number of ways that we restrict ourselves and if we pause that process it’s easier to feel .. That’s a good start.

We lose that possibility of infinite movement by being unconsciously fixated on past experience rather than the present moment. Tuning in closely .. to sense what we’re doing is often enough. You don’t even need to let it go. It just needs to be included. 

All of the lessons for this term can be springboards for your own discoveries and indeed your own improvisations. Last weeks lesson is a good case in point. If you play around with it in a few orientations you may be surprised by what you feel. It will also make a big difference to what we’re doing this week.

Cooking may never be the same ..

This blog post relates to the 10th lesson in the Central Limb series. You can find that lesson by clicking here