Feldenkrais Method
& Alexander Technique


The Central Limb 8 - Figure 8's for the hip and shoulder

Some days things just fall into place. It can seem unearthly.

Something that a moment before was impossible mysteriously becomes possible, appears or unfolds. Is it a matter of perception or is it a matter of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts?

Perhaps it’s the co-operation of the parts that co-opt the surrounding or enclosed space to function in a new way?

Andrew Petrov via UnSplash

Either way those moments of grace may be more frequent than we think. The more I explore the way we move the more surprised I am by the miraculous interactions of existence and the unconscious stages of learning.


Our bodies are composed of about 39 trillion human cells and about 39 trillion bacterial cells. Bacterial cells are living organisms that are essential to our survival. They assist us to digest our food, grow and can even regulate our moods. 

Do they play a role in the way we learn? How do things fall into place?

A healthy whole is all about a balance and co-operation between parts.

Ira Vishnevskaya Via UnSplash

to that I would also add the space they enclose and the space they exist within ..

Danist Via UnSplash

So this week we’ll do a little more with the diaphragms. The nuanced ways they can be used to shape the flow of force through our bodies.

A Roman Water Carrier, 1857 by Carl Haag - Birmingham Museums trust - Via UnSplash

In particular we’ll explore the diagonals and the journey from hand to foot. 

and the moment .. when we’re lying on the floor and realise that things have changed for the better ..

This blog post relates to the 8th lesson in the Central Limb series. You can find that lesson by clicking here