Feldenkrais Method
& Alexander Technique


The Central Limb 7 - Arches

So we’ve been exploring the midline from front to back. The coronal or frontal plane of the body. The balance required to do this handstand on the edge of a high board is a good example of the way we align and move our body with the coronal plane as a central axis.


This lesson explores the depth of our body from front to back - from the perspective of the arches of our feet and hands ..

Created using the Visible Bodies App

the diaphragm ..

Created using the Visible Bodies App

and the crown of our head from the outside and inside ..

those shapes flow through our body from bottom to top and top to bottom

David Cohen Via UnSplash

They enable us to channel force through our bodies in a multitude of directions

Rutger Lanser Via UnSplash

Through tissues hard and soft ..

Duncan Kidd Vias UnSplash

We are both particle and wave ..

like water flowing through an invisible container 

What is our shape ? 

and where is the plane of the midline?

This blog post relates to the 7th lesson in the Central Limb series. You can find that lesson by clicking here